Mental Health Advocacy Scholarship:
Open to: Graduating High School Seniors in the Greater Kansas City Area
Application open now through May 5, 2024
Thank you for applying We respect your privacy and will share your documents with only the scholarship review team
Please Respond to the following Questions in an email to: In the subject line please type MHAS for mental health advocacy scholarship. Please send an additional copy to
Application questions:
1. Your full Name, phone number, address and current high school/high school graduated from. Name of one parent or legal guardian and their email and phone number.
2. How has your life been impacted by mental health issues? Your own, a family member, or someone close to you?
3. What are you currently doing to take care of your mental/physical health? Please list a minimum of 5 coping skills that you have used to care for yourself or encouraged someone else to use in the area of mental health.
4. We believe that hard times come to everyone because this is just a normal part of life. What would you do specifically if you got to college/trade school and got depressed or anxious? What is your specific plan to keep yourself safe?
5. Three out of four young people that have taken their own life have told at least one peer or friend that they are struggling mentally. What exactly would you do for a friend if they came to you with this sort of struggle?
By signing below you commit to keeping yourself safe no matter how bad you are feeling:
Application open now until May 5, 2024
Thank you for applying
You are worth it!